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We offer the orga­ni­za­tion of the­ma­tic work­shops focu­sed on bro­adly defi­ned per­so­nal deve­lop­ment and tra­ining. Our pro­gram­me com­pri­ses cul­tu­ral and arti­stic edu­ca­tion, which also invo­lves busi­ness-orien­ted mind­set and ana­ly­sis of the exten­si­ve labo­ur mar­ket needs. We orga­ni­ze work­shops addres­sing topi­cal issu­es.
The tech­ni­qu­es and man­ner of pas­sing know­led­ge we cho­ose to employ are the fru­it of prac­ti­ce and expe­rien­ce gained over the years by our instruc­tors, edu­ca­tors and coaches. We col­la­bo­ra­te with ener­ge­tic and pas­sio­na­te high achie­vers, who main­ta­in empa­thy towards the chal­len­ges enco­un­te­red in the con­tem­po­ra­ry world and capa­ci­ty to com­bi­ne vario­us fields of acti­vi­ty.
We orga­ni­ze work­shops aimed at impro­ving pre­sen­ta­tion and public spe­aking skills in order to sha­pe ade­qu­ate body awa­re­ness, allo­wing to over­co­me sta­ge fri­ght and han­dle stress. We assist in incre­asing emo­tio­nal intel­li­gen­ce and impro­ving cre­ati­ve thin­king. We pro­vi­de an insi­ght into the art of sto­ry­tel­ling and the media con­tent-reliant per­for­man­ce. We exer­ci­se a wide ran­ge of acting tech­ni­qu­es and tested appro­aches, as well as the bro­ad sco­pe of know­led­ge of the lec­tu­rers repre­sen­ting the Stu­dium aktoR­stu­dio.