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W-arte! W-arte! opening

W-arte! opening


Pain­ting Instal­la­tion „Daily vir­tu­ali­ty” by Ewa Doro­szen­ko
star­ting from 5pm

Open to the public, the pro­cess of esta­bli­shing an art instal­la­tion in our venue marks an inte­rac­tion with the sur­ro­un­dings. Ewa Doro­szen­ko cre­ates a gro­wing com­po­si­tion gro­un­ded in the pro­ces­sing of a mecha­ni­cal struc­tu­re. Intri­gu­ed by the con­tem­po­ra­ry issu­es, she conveys a visu­al situ­ation, which lies betwe­en pain­ting and digi­tal ima­ging tech­no­lo­gies. Making her­self ava­il of geo­me­tri­cal forms, prin­to­uts and ebo­ny typi­cal for her acti­vi­ties, the artist cre­ates an envi­ron­ment, whe­re “con­trol­led coin­ci­den­ce” is domi­nant.

Ewa Doro­szen­ko is a visu­al artist and hol­der of a Ph.D. title in her field of acti­vi­ty. Inte­gra­tion of vario­us media is a typi­cal featu­re of her arti­stic prac­ti­ce, per­me­ating her instal­la­tions, reaching also the vir­tu­al spa­ce. She is a bene­fi­cia­ry of many resi­den­tial pro­gram­mes, like the Ate­lier­haus Sal­zamt Linz (AU), The Island – Resi­gni­fied, Lef­ka­da (GR), Kunst­nar­hu­set Mes­sen, Ålvik (NO), Han­gar Bar­ce­lo­na (ES), Fon­da­zio­ne Del Bian­co or Flo­ren­ce (IT). She is a gra­du­ate of the Facul­ty of Fine Arts at the Nico­las Coper­ni­cus Uni­ver­si­ty in Torun.

The websi­te of the artist

The Filip Ćwiek’s pho­to exhi­bi­tion
star­ting from 5pm

We pre­sent a selec­tion of Filip Ćwik’s work that ori­gi­na­tes from his pho­to­gra­phic essay “inside/outside” and the cyc­le “12 twarzy/faces”.

The the­me repre­sen­ting the for­mer series focu­ses on flo­od ima­ge­ry. A natu­ral disa­ster in the con­tem­po­ra­ry world does not invo­ke ritu­al con­tem­pla­tion, pla­cing the par­ti­ci­pants among cha­os and fear. Ćwik does not por­tray people – quite the oppo­si­te, as he builds the ima­ge of over­whel­ming, abso­lu­te silen­ce, oddly unde­fi­ned acqu­ie­scen­ce in the world of abs­tract, gro­te­sque and sculp­tu­re forms, that con­sti­tu­te the rem­nants of human exi­sten­ce. The inte­riors pro­vi­de a spe­ci­fic sce­ne­ry with aesthe­tics evo­king Judith Tur­ner.

The lat­ter cyc­le is a col­lec­tion tel­ling a sto­ry abo­ut cru­el and inhu­man expe­rien­ces. Syrian refu­ge­es housed in Tur­kish camps might refra­in from arti­cu­la­ting the­ir tho­ughts, but the­ir bearing, deme­anor and empha­si­zed emo­tions scar­ce­ly requ­ire any fur­ther com­ment or expla­na­tion. The pic­tu­res were taken at the turn of August and Sep­tem­ber 2012 in Isla­hiye (Tur­key) refu­gee camp, on the bor­der with Syria.

Filip Ćwik – a mem­ber of the Napo Ima­ges Pho­to Agen­cy and Napo Foun­da­tion. The win­ner of nume­ro­us pho­to­gra­phy com­pe­ti­tions, inc­lu­ding the World Press Pho­to. In the years 2001-2013 he cre­ated more than 50 covers, 60 repor­ta­ges and unnum­be­red por­tra­its for the “New­swe­ek Pol­ska” weekly. Over the period 2010-2012 he con­duc­ted clas­ses on edi­to­rial repor­ta­ge under the auspi­ces of the Insti­tu­te of Jour­na­lism at the Uni­ver­si­ty of War­saw. He runs his own por­tra­it stu­dio in the Saska Kępa district.

The webpa­ge of the artist

A house con­cert of Daniel Spa­le­niak
star­ting from 7pm

Daniel Spa­le­niak is a 23-years old artist from Łódź. His eso­te­ric and dre­am-like com­po­si­tions from the bor­der of blu­es and folk music have attrac­ted the inte­rest of the Ame­ri­can mar­ket, and the result may be asses­sed thanks to such TV series as “The Path”, “Shut Eye” or the acc­la­imed and popu­lar “Ele­men­ta­ry”. The work of the musi­cian has been reco­gni­sed by the crew of the cult Ame­ri­can radio bro­ad­ca­ster KEXP based in Seat­tle. Last sum­mer, during the­ir visit in Poland, they recor­ded his aco­ustic ses­sion. To this date Spa­le­niak rele­ased two albums: “Dre­amers” (2014) and “Back Home” (2016). Daniel is alre­ady com­po­sing his next rele­ase.

The fan­pa­ge of the artist

The visu­al set­ting: Ewa Doro­szen­ko