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W-arte! Meeting with the creative team behind the latest music video of Buslav

Meeting with the creative team behind the latest music video of Buslav



W-arte Łowicka 56/3

“The bor­der lies fur­ther than you could possi­bly ima­gi­ne” is an enig­ma­tic tagli­ne anno­un­cing the pre­mie­re of“Tysiąc” (“Tho­usand”), Buslav’s brand new music video and the third sin­gle from his debut album. What does the cor­re­spon­den­ce betwe­en the­se words and the ima­ge­ry imply?

During the first public scre­ening of the video, accom­pa­nied by its cre­ators we will muse abo­ut the meaning and chan­ges to the for­mat. With an oppor­tu­ni­ty for an open dia­lo­gue, we will reflect on the mat­ter of its iden­ti­ty to deter­mi­ne whe­ther it bears poten­tial to trans­cend the “illu­stra­tion” sta­tus. Under what cir­cum­stan­ces does it mir­ror social and cul­tu­ral trans­for­ma­tions? We will also explo­re the cre­ati­ve pro­cess behind pro­duc­tion and col­la­bo­ra­tion betwe­en a musi­cian and a direc­tor, as well as discuss incor­po­ra­ting the expe­rien­ce from one field of art to ano­ther.

The meeting with Buslav and Dawid Ogrod­nik will be mode­ra­ted by Wero­ni­ka Lewan­dow­ska, a cul­tu­re expert, as well as rese­ar­cher devo­ted to the new media stu­dies and trans­i­tions per­ta­ining to audio­vi­su­al sto­ry­tel­ling.

The docu­men­ta­tion will be rele­ased as a series of W-arte! auteu­rial pod­ca­sts, ava­ila­ble on our websi­te.