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W-arte! W-arte! Impro Show

W-arte! Impro Show


godz.19:00, Kino Elektronik, Generała Zajączka 7

Cast: Ania Czar­to­ry­ska – Niem­czyc­ka, Kac­per Kuszew­ski, Elż­bie­ta Roma­now­ska, Ludwik Bor­kow­ski, Adam Fidu­sie­wicz, Iza Lach

W-arte! Impro Show is an impro­vi­sed play and a fru­it of the col­la­bo­ra­tion betwe­en cele­bri­ties and the the­ater gro­up Ab Ovo spe­cia­li­zed in impro­vi­sa­tions, star­ring Ania Czar­to­ry­ska-Niem­czyc­ka, Ela Roma­now­ska, Iza Lach, Adam Fidu­sie­wicz and Ludwik Bor­kow­ski. The pre­pa­ra­tions took seve­ral month and the­ir result will be seen in April at the Rejs Club, fol­lo­wed by the per­for­man­ces held in May at the Elek­tro­nik Cine­ma. The idea of the impro­vi­sa­tio­nal the­atre is to make the per­for­ming actors leave the­ir com­fort zone and embra­ce spon­ta­ne­ity. Witho­ut script, the audien­ce is in for sur­pri­se on eve­ry step and the per­for­mers will display hid­den talents, for­ced to boast shrewd­ness, sen­se of humo­ur and agi­li­ty. Thus, eve­ry show will pro­ve to be a hila­rio­us and an unfor­get­ta­ble expe­rien­ce.

Ania Czar­to­ry­ska – Niem­czyc­ka, a Polish actress and sin­ger born in 1984. She gra­du­ated from The The­atre Aca­de­my in War­saw and the Fry­de­ryk Cho­pin II Degree Sta­te Higher Music Scho­ol. Her featu­re film debut took pla­ce in 2008 with “Bal prze­bie­rań­ców” (“Costu­me Par­ty”) by Krzysz­tof Szo­ta and the play “Moulin Noir” direc­ted by Mar­cin Przy­byl­ski. Over the years 2008-2013, she was asso­cia­ted with the Teatr Współ­cze­sny in War­saw. She was awar­ded by the Polish The­atre for “Mor­fi­na” (“Mor­phi­ne”), her mono­dra­ma.

Ela Roma­now­ska , a Polish sta­ge and TV actress born in 1983. Asso­cia­ted with the Capi­tol The­atre in Wro­cław, she also col­la­bo­ra­ted with the local Teatr Współ­cze­sny and The Juliusz Sło­wac­ki The­atre in Kra­ków. During her pro­fes­sio­nal care­er, she per­for­med in vario­us musi­cals and sta­ge plays as well as in the most well-known Polish TV series: “Na wspól­nej”, “M jak miłość”, “Brzy­dU­la” or “Pra­wo Aga­ty”. She also appe­ared in a hand­ful of films, for instan­ce “Och, Karol 2”, “Jak się pozbyć cel­lu­li­tu” or “Dzień kobiet”.

Iza Lach , a Polish sin­ger born in 1989. As an artist, she is full of con­tra­dic­tions, per­ce­ived as a girl from tower blocks, simul­ta­ne­ously deemed a Polish prin­cess of pop. Her col­la­bo­ra­tion with Sno­op Dogg abo­un­ded in recor­ding as much as 400 songs, sin­gle album and sho­oting a film. Her pro­li­fi­ca­cy won her a nomi­na­tion to the Polish Pho­no­gra­phic Aca­de­my Award Fry­de­ryk (Pop Album of the Year) and MTV Music Awards (“Best Polish Per­for­mer”).

Adam Fidu­sie­wicz, an actor born in 1985 in War­saw, who­se featu­re film debut took pla­ce a deca­de later in “Róża­ny Zamek” (“Rosy Castle”). The role of Staś in “W pusty­ni i w pusz­czy” (“In Desert and Wil­der­ness”), an adap­ta­tion of Hen­ryk Sienkiewicz’s clas­sic work, was a cru­cial moment of his care­er. He was featu­red in an arm­lo­ad of TV series, for instan­ce “Na wspól­nej” or “Czas hono­ru”. W 2016 he play­ed Hans Schulz in “Bodo”. He is a stu­dent of the The­atre Aca­de­my in War­saw, soon-to-gra­du­ate.

Ludwik Bor­kow­ski , a win­ner of the “Azja Express” show, which found him par­ti­ci­pa­ting along his friend, the actor Michał Żuraw­ski. Cur­ren­tly, he stu­dies acting at the Stu­dium aktoR­stu­dio, enga­ges in pho­to­gra­phy, wri­tes scre­en­plays, appe­ars in music vide­os and stu­dent etu­des pro­du­ced by Gdy­nia Film Scho­ol.

Kac­per Kuszew­ski raised in Gdy­nia, a gra­du­ate of the Sta­te Music Scho­ol in Byd­goszcz. In 1999 he gra­du­ated from the The­atre Aca­de­my in War­saw. An actor of the Song of the Goat The­atre in Wro­cław. Well-known to the fans of the popu­lar TV-series like “M jak miłość” or “Hotel 52” as well as featu­res like „Karol , czło­wiek , któ­ry został Papieżem”,czy „Wkrę­ce­ni”. Woka­li­sta zespo­łu Lesz­cze.

Media patro­na­ge Tic­kets 70 zł/50 zł for stu­dents (you will be requ­ired to pro­vi­de iden­ti­fi­ca­tion upon entran­ce)

Tic­kets ava­ila­ble below.