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W-arte! is an independent production house, renown for its bold, innovative and multidisciplinary approach to visual communication, video production and event organization. We support large, powerful companies, esteemed institution but also  smal, niche brands, in creating successful, unforgettable communication which consequently will form an everlasting bond with the consent or other recipient.


Actually – sky is the limit. In terms of production, our range of possibilities is practically unlimited. We match the right media, form and graphic design with the brand or institution for whom we work. We:

  • Pro­du­ce visu­al mar­ke­ting con­tent, such as: bran­ding and employ­er bran­ding cam­pa­igns, adver­ti­se­ments, pro­fes­sio­nal pho­to­sho­ots, video arts, inde­pen­dent featu­re-length films, docu­ments, short vide­os and other pro­mo mate­rials for Social Media com­mu­ni­ca­tion
  • Arran­ge events such as: alter­na­ti­ve, avant-gar­de busi­ness meetings and con­fe­ren­ces, spe­cial events dedi­ca­ted to the con­cre­te brand or pro­duct, the­ma­ti­cal­ly events, press con­fe­ren­ces and other forms of press meetings, cha­ry­ty events, book pre­mie­res, fashion shows, music pre­mie­res, con­certs, per­for­man­ces, mul­ti­me­dia spec­tac­les, art ope­nings

We are open to all ide­as of our Clients and the offer is always pre­pa­red so as to match per­so­nal needs accu­ra­te­ly.