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W-arte! is created by a group of people who share the same approach not only to art ar communication but also to life: whatever we do, we do it with passion and commitment. We set together business with art, fashion, science, technology and new media to create a brand new quality and successfully achieve goals set by the Client.


For us branding is all about ID of the company, artist or brand for whom we work. It has to match not only the Clients offer but also the values which He or She prices. In terms of branding W-arte takes care of:

  • ART-BRANDING A suc­cess­ful brand always has a solid back­gro­und. It is set on well-con­si­de­red, solid basis which match the offer and distin­gu­ish the brand from the others. Our expe­rien­ced crew of gra­phic desi­gners, film­ma­kers and com­mu­ni­ca­tion spe­cia­li­sts will take care of the who­le bran­ding pro­cess, making sure that eve­ry ele­ment is per­fec­tly mat­ched for the brand. Our art-bran­ding actions inc­lu­de not only cre­ation of the per­fect logo­ty­pe and com­pa­ti­ble brand-book, but also a wide spec­trum stra­te­gy of com­mu­ni­ca­tion which will answer the basic con­su­mer questions: what is this brand? Does it have any valu­es or mis­sion? Why do I want this spe­ci­fic item offe­red by the brand/ insti­tu­tion
  • REBRANDING From time to time some brands – even tho­se most reco­gni­za­ble – call for some refre­sh­ment. This need for new ener­gy or bet­ter accom­mo­da­tion to cur­rent trends and expec­ta­tions usu­al­ly under­lays rebran­ding pro­cess – the one in which visu­al and/or com­mu­ni­ca­tio­nal aspect of the well-esta­bli­shed brand are trans­for­med, but not the­ir valu­es or mis­sion. The inten­si­ty of rebran­ding depends on indi­vi­du­al needs – some­ti­mes it is suf­fi­cient to ligh­tly reto­uch the logo­ty­pe, in other cases the who­le brand-book is rede­sign. Our team will sug­gest the opti­mal ran­ge of chan­ge and con­duct it smo­oth­ly.
  • PERSONAL BRAND CREATION Per­so­nal brand is the one in which not only pro­ducts or other ele­ments of its offer, but also the valu­es, goals and com­mu­ni­ca­tion mode express either a defi­ned appro­ach to the world and socie­ty in case of the com­pa­ny or insti­tu­tions direc­tors, or – in case of arti­sts, desi­gners or small brands – per­so­na­li­ty and indi­vi­du­al pre­fe­ren­ces of con­cre­te per­son. Either way, what real­ly mat­ters here is con­se­qu­en­ce: if con­su­mers deci­de to cho­ose this brand on the basis of its valu­es and per­so­na­li­ty, any fun­da­men­tal chan­ge might disco­ura­ge them and bra­ke the bond. At W-arte! we sup­port cre­ators of per­so­nal brands in cle­ar, effec­ti­ve com­mu­ni­ca­tion of the­ir vision, in ade­qu­ate con­struc­tion of the offer and in stay­ing cohe­rent with ori­gi­nal valu­es.
  • LIMITED EDITIONS OF SERIES DEDICATED TO CONCRETE BRANDS, INSTITUTIONS, CREATORS OR EVENTS Launch of the limi­ted edi­tions of items such as clo­thes, fashion acces­so­ries, fur­ni­tu­re, sta­tio­na­ry, design objects, long plays and many other, might be an ele­ment of bran­ding, rebran­ding or per­so­nal brand cre­ation pro­cess but not neces­sa­ri­ly. It is also a per­fect option to add some pre­sti­ge and gla­mo­ur to the brand. More­over, offe­ring smal­ler amo­unt of goods which are design and manu­fac­tu­rer with utter pre­ci­sion by renown arti­sts and cra­ft­smen is also a smart way of reaching out to a brand new gro­up of con­su­mers. 

Whi­che­ver bran­ding pro­cess we are con­duc­ting, we always do it with com­mit­ment and in answer to indi­vi­du­al needs of our Client. Our favo­ri­te pro­jects are tho­se whe­re we accom­pa­ny the brand at eve­ry sta­ge of cre­ation: from bra­in­stor­ming and basic idea, thro­ugho­ut arran­ge­ments and pro­duc­tion to com­mu­ni­ca­tion and popu­la­ri­za­tion.