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W-arte! W-arte! About Us

W-arte! About Us

W-arte! is an independent production house and communication influencer. In our portfolio are films, videos, performances, innovative commercial events and unique graphic designs arranged and produced by our experienced team of artists, designers, graphic designers, filmmakers and communication specialists. We also participated in few successful art-branding processes.

Our aim is to sup­port small, ine­xpe­rien­ced brands on the­ir way to suc­cess and to assist tho­se lar­ge and power­ful in reaching new. The mem­bers of W-arte! Team come from dif­fe­rent back­gro­unds (arti­stic, tech­ni­cal, scien­ce, lin­gu­istic or mar­ke­ting) but sha­re the same appro­ach to life and work: wha­te­ver we do, we do it with pas­sion.

W-arte! is where art, fashion, film, music and design are fulfilled by new media and technologies. In our production house we induct methods used by actors and other artists in favor of business and marketing communication.


We obse­rve trends and ten­den­cies but we never fol­low the mass – each and eve­ry of our pro­jects is as uni­que as the Client for whom we are wor­king.