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W-arte! Podcasts


The events we offer are also docu­men­ted via pod­ca­sts. Our bro­ad­ca­sts are both exten­sion and inte­gral part of meetings, inte­rviews, con­fe­ren­ces and shows taking pla­ce within the W-Arte! Open Art Spa­ce.

We encap­su­la­te the essen­tial con­tent and offer an inte­re­stin­gly com­po­sed set of infor­ma­tion as well as know­led­ge gained stra­ight from the experts and arti­sts repre­sen­ting vario­us fields.

Meetings and discus­sions hosted by W-arte! give us an oppor­tu­ni­ty to meet a num­ber of inspi­ring people, some­thing we are keen to sha­re with you. We kin­dly invi­te you to down­lo­ad and listen to our mate­rials.

You may start with the discus­sion betwe­en Kaje­tan Plis and Anna Mali­szew­ska: “Music vide­os of Maria Peszek”, a pod­cast abo­ut video clips, which took pla­ce on April 4, 2017
Tele­dy­ski Marii Peszek – roz­mo­wa z Kaje­ta­nem Pli­sem i Anną Mali­szew­ską (04.04.2017)