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W-arte! For Artists

For Artists

W-arte! is much more than just ano­ther pro­duc­tion house – it is an open spa­ce, vir­tu­al and real-life, whe­re arti­sts of all disci­pli­nes can imple­ment the­ir vision. We sup­port the most inte­re­sting per­so­na­li­ties not only by fin­ding the right spa­ce or medium to launch the idea, but also by sha­ring our know-how and guiding them thro­ugh the­ir debut.

So – wether you are a quali­fied artist or sim­ply an arti­stic soul – let us know abo­ut your vision and toge­ther we will figu­re out how to make it hap­pen! Events which we have the ple­asu­re of hosting always have this ephe­me­ris, almost inti­ma­te atmo­sphe­re witch trans­mits onto a bond with the audien­ce. We have alre­ady arran­ged con­certs, spec­tac­les, fashion fairs, music pre­mie­res, press con­fe­ren­ces, ver­nis­sa­ges and arti­stic per­for­man­ces. Each event was a suc­cess. It would be a ple­aser to host also your pro­ject!