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W-arte! The Hidden Photo

The Hidden Photo


godz. 19:00

W-arte! Łowicka 56/3

The Hid­den Pho­to is an uni­que pho­to gal­le­ry, that boasts pic­tu­res that were either for­got­ten or for a varie­ty of reasons hid­den from the public eye. Why the failu­re to under­go key selec­tion sta­ges? On what basis was it con­duc­ted? The never-befo­re-pre­sen­ted ima­ges are given a second chan­ce, with the pho­to­gra­phers nar­ra­ting the sto­ries behind them. To this date The Hid­den Pho­to inspi­red more than 60 pho­to­gra­phers from Poland and abro­ad to sha­re the­ir pic­tu­res and tales. On Febru­ary 16, as a digi­tal “light” pre­sen­ta­tion, The Hid­den Pho­to will trans­cend the vir­tu­al spa­ce to liven the walls of the Łowic­ka 56/3. Ewa Mil­cza­rek, the foun­der of the pro­ject, will talk abo­ut its ori­gin, idea and futu­re plans.

The meeting will be com­bi­ned with a work­shop con­duc­ted by Piotr Wój­cik, a pho­to­gra­pher, for­mer direc­tor of pho­to­gra­phy at the Gaze­ta Wybor­cza daily, cura­tor of the pho­to­gra­phy exhi­bi­tions and a lec­tu­rer at The Leon Schil­ler Natio­nal Higher Scho­ol of Film, Tele­vi­sion and The­atre in Łódź.

Deba­te abo­ut edi­ting pho­tos will be con­duc­ted over cof­fee. Why does some of pho­tos fail to be induc­ted into a pro­ject despi­te high quali­ty? What exac­tly is the task of an “edi­tor”? How to com­po­se a cohe­rent pho­to­gra­phic pro­ject to tell an effec­ti­ve sto­ry? You are welco­me to bring your pro­ject pro­po­sal to us so we can discuss it toge­ther and pro­du­ce some ide­as for the edi­ting pro­cess.