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W-arte! Acting workshops with Piotr Głowacki

Acting workshops with Piotr Głowacki


13 styczeń godz. 09:30-14:30, W-arte Łowicka 56/3

14 styczeń godz. 09:30-14:30, Casting Art Batorego 10

We anno­un­ce the first work­shops from our new cyc­le!
The host will be Piotr Gło­wac­ki – a the­ater and film actor and lec­tu­rer at the The­ater Aca­de­my in War­saw.
He will take the ima­gi­na­tion and tech­ni­que of using the con­scio­usness whi­le play­ing acting with the par­ti­ci­pants.
Clas­ses are desi­gned to fami­lia­ri­se par­ti­ci­pants with the basic con­cepts and tools essen­tial to think whi­le acting. The aim the­se essen­tials is to draw the atten­tion of the actress-cre­ator / actor-cre­ator to the awa­re­ness of the work­shop.

During the work­shops, par­ti­ci­pants will also learn the basic tech­ni­qu­es for rela­xa­tion and con­cen­tra­tion. Spe­cial exer­ci­ses to faci­li­ta­te con­cen­tra­tion is for­mu­la­ted by Mikha­il Che­khov and Alek­san­dra Koniecz­na. The­se con­cen­tra­tion exer­ci­se will soon be fol­lo­wed by for­mu­la­ted efforts to work with con­scio­usness and ima­gi­na­tion, inc­lu­ding wor­king with the body.

During the work­shop the­re will be an ope­ra­tor who will record video mate­rial. A short film that will be assem­bled and will be ava­ila­ble to par­ti­ci­pants.